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Healthcare Social Media Is Not Social Media | Health Is Social
„I think we need to understand the differences among different kinds of social media and how the different kinds fit or do not fit into Healthcare. My concern is that too many advocates of social media who want to see Healthcare adoption of these technologies are thinking in terms of consumer social media (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc.). We need to expand our conception of social media beyond that view.“
„Who says what to whom on Twitter? That’s the subject report from Yahoo Research.“
Who Says What to Whom on Twitter | Yahoo! Research
„Abstract: We study several longstanding questions in media communications research, in the context of the microblogging service Twitter, regarding the production, flow, and consumption of information. To do so, we exploit a recently introduced feature of Twitter—known as Twitter lists—to distinguish between elite users, by which we mean specifically celebrities, bloggers, and representatives of media outlets and other formal organizations, and ordinary users. Based on this classification, we find a striking concentration of attention on Twitter—roughly 50% of tweets consumed are generated by just 20K elite users—where the media produces the most information, but celebrities are the most followed. We also find significant homophily within categories: celebrities listen to celebrities, while bloggers listen to bloggers etc; however, bloggers in general rebroadcast more information than the other categories. Next we re-examine the classical „two-step flow“ theory of communications, finding considerable support for it on Twitter, but also some interesting differences. Third, we find that URLs broadcast by different categories of users or containing different types of content exhibit systematically different lifespans. And finally, we examine the attention paid by the different user categories to different news topics.“
„Schlimmer sind falsche Versprechungen oder Sexismus – so zeigte das österreichische Bundesheer ein Video, auf dem Mädchen wie Groupies die Besatzung eines Panzers anhimmelten („Lust auf eine Spritztour?“, fragt der junge Soldat. „Kommt zum Bundesheer. Da könnt ihr Panzer fahren.“ Panzer braust davon, Mädchen laufen hinterher.)“
Final_Social_Media_Measurement_Guidance _March_2011.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
„The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) today reasserts the value of a disciplined approach to research, planning and objectives setting with the launch of new social media measurement guidance.
Written by a team of social media and public relations experts, the guidance provides members with the most up-to-date thinking on social media measurement. It stresses the importance of tailoring a measurement model to the specific needs of a campaign or plan and integrating this into the overall planning process.“ -
3 Steps To Creating Your Own Online Store On Facebook
„Patientenportal wie Facebook? Einen neuen Weg der Vernetzung will ein Team der Berliner Charité gehen. Vor allem neurologische Patienten und die sie betreuenden Pfleger und Ärzte sollen die bisher zum Nachteil der Kranken bestehenden (und teuren: diverse Fachgruppen, Rollstuhl etc.) Koordinationsprobleme vermeiden.
Der Online-Auftritt des Portals ambulanzpartner.de ist bisher noch nicht ausgereift und auf den ersten Blick verwirrend, die kommunikativen Elemente à la Facebook (noch) nicht implementiert. Störend auch die sehr langen und ermüdenden Texte.“ (pharmaflash.de) -
„+1 ist der Versuch, den Google Suchergebnissen persönliche Relevanz einzuhauchen. Ich bin skeptisch, daß das funktionieren wird, da der konkrete Nutzen für den User im Gegensatz zum Click auf den Like-Button eher abstrakt bleibt.“
“Shame on you” crisis leads to KV share price plummet | Creation Healthcare
Less than three weeks after a Facebook page was set up by one patient angry with KV Pharmaceuticals’ pricing of its newly approved drug Makena, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has today announced that KV should not have exclusive rights to produce similar products. This apparent about-turn resulted in the pharmaceutical company’s share price plummeting, placing it at the top of the NYSE Biggest Percentage Decliners list with a more than 20% drop in share value.